Two Accomplished Data Scientist Couple - Jarman & Dhru


Jarman (left) and Dhru (right) met while working together in 2015. Two accomplished data scientists with 20 years combined experience working in banking and tech, they discovered that they got along so well they decided to get married, start a family, and start a company.

You'd think they'd be sick of each other by now.

As both tenants and investment property owners, they found that their passion for tech was seemingly not shared by the real estate agents they interacted with - who instead preferred to communicate through emails and phone calls, and put their own face on property billboards. Dhru and Jarman felt that every other industry had long since transitioned to a digital environment but that if no real estate agencies out there wanted to do the same, they'd offer a solution that did.

LANTECH - Property Management From a Fresh Perspective

LANTECH is not made by real estate agents. We don't pit landlords and tenants against each other. We've come at this from a perspective that aims to automate the boring stuff and reduce unnecessary overheads, while also making things easier and more transparent.

We're doing things differently to everyone else because nobody else offers the type of property management style we want; cheaper, more convenient, accessible via your phone, and no more emails please.

Dhruvisha Gosai
Dhruvisha Gosai

CEO & Founder

Jarman Giffard
Jarman Giffard

CTO & Founder


We like to count things




Email Templates


Lines of Code


Legal & RealEstate Pros

Our mission is to Create a product You want to use...

Masters Of Automation

Then why pay a premium price for your real estate agent to do things a computer can do? You don't send emails to your bank to open an account, why email real estate agents for maintenance requests?

Cut out the middle man and save time & money.

Continuous Updates

We're not a set-and-forget company, we're in this for the long-haul. We've got a TONNE of features we're excited to introduce in the coming months.

Human Touch

We love technology but we also recognise that sometimes you'll need to speak with a human. We have Aussies working onshore who are available to chat over the phone if you need help navigating the portal or general management advice.

All the perks of a real estate agency, plus many more, for a fraction of the price. Nice.

...By Building A solution That We Want To Use

Self-managing your own property is common overseas but Aussies have been slow on the uptake.

We want to normalise the idea of managing your own investment property.

Real-Time Updates

Get real-time updates as they happen.Don't wait to hear about property damage once your agent's back from holidays - get news from your tenants as it happens.

Level Up Your Profit

You're a savvy property investor. You've done the math and bought an appreciating asset, why donate this income to an agency? Check out the calculator on our homepage to see how much money you can save each year using LANTECH.

Quietly Powerful

We're confident we can't be beaten on services offered, price point, and quality assurance. If there's something we're not doing that you want to see, let us know and we'll make it right.