Who are we
and Why Choose us

Property Management in Australia has remained relatively unchanged over the past 100 years.
It's been a long time since every other industry learned to automate and go digital,
yet real estate property management services have been resistant to adapt.

So we decided to do it for them and create a platform we would use:

- Easy-to-use portal for owners and tenants to manage maintenance requests and inspections
- Advertising and tenant screening is now (almost) entirely automated, along with all the dull compliance stuff
- Tax time is now a breeze with self-serve reporting showing your profits, loss, and tax-deductible expenses
- All our staff and all your data are in Australia, and we have big plans for future features
- Because we don't use shopfronts and have automated most of the work, you pay a fraction of the cost

Maintenance Page

Convenience & Accessibility

Access and manage your property from anywhere in the world.

We automate the boring stuff like rent reminders, lease renewals, and maintenance scheduling to save you time.

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Direct Communication

We eliminate the need for tenants and owners to write emails to real estate agencies. Remove the middleman and unnecessary delays to resolve maintenance problems, keep up to date with your property and tenants directly.

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Tenant Details & Lease Information
Flexible Real-Time Financial Tracking

Savings & Transparency

Our flat 2% commission structure means you will no longer pay any hidden fees letting fees, administration fees, or contract renewal fees.

Our platform provides you real-time financial tracking, allowing property owners like yourself to monitor income and expenses to make tax-time super simple.

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See how much you can save with LANTECH

Your weekly rent

Real estate charge

Right now you're paying

per year

Switch to LANTECH & pay

per year with our flat 2% pricing

LANTECH Saving you up to: $2121.60

This calculation doesn't consider additional fees charged by real estate agencies like
letting fees, advertising costs, and recurring management fees - meaning the total savings are likely far higher.

We can't be beaten on price

We offer perks real estate agents can't do at a price they can't match


  • Manage One or Many Properties
  • Automated Inspection Schedules
  • Tax-Time Financial Extracts
  • Visibility Over Maintenance Requests
  • Projected Profit + Loss
  • Reminders to Owners and Tenants
  • Customer Support
  • Property Documents Available Anywhere
  • Legal Compliance
LANTECH offers a flat


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A Person Enjoying the Features of LANTECH

Unveiling the process: how we make it happen

We've made switching to LANTECH super simple

1. Registration and Account Setup

Sign up for an account by providing the necessary information,
such as your name, contact details, and property details.
We will automatically lodge the management transfer
process with your current real estate agent.

2. Tenant On-boarding

Once the required documents are completed by your
current real estate agent, we will invite your tenant to our
platform for a smooth transition on day 1 of the new lease.

3. Rent Collection and Routine Tasks

As soon as your lease is effective, you will see all the routine
inspections scheduled for you automatically complying with state laws.
From the very first payment, you will be able to view all the rent statements in one place and start tracking the profit and loss from your investment.

$2000 Risk Free   Guarantee

We understand that unexpected challenges can arise in property management. In the event you lose money from property damage or loss of rent, we will reimburse you the costs -- up to $2000*.

We make this guarantee because we know you want comfort that the money you save switching to LANTECH doesn't come from us cutting corners and won't expose you to extra risk. We take the risk for you - that's how confident we are in our own product

No other property management service will match this guarantee or our 2% commission rate - we're yet to be proven wrong.

* compensation will be provided as credit on your LANTECH profile and subsequent service charges will instead use this credit instead of the standard commission. Provided credit will not expire and cannot be exchanged for cash. Offer can be redeemed once per user.

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Non-Payment of Rent

Our data-driven work flows enhance the chances of successful resolution. We provide clear instructions for resolving issues like non-payment of rent while adhering to state-specific laws.

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Property Damage

Mistakes sometimes happen, we help patch them up.

In the event of tenant-caused property damage, LANTECH provides clear instructions on how to remedy the situation, acting as the mediator between the tenant and property owner.

If you need assistance resolving an issue or if things escalate to an ombudsman, we can work with you to get the best outcome.

We make repairs a breeze, maintenance requests can be created and managed through your account.

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Have questions?
We're here to help

How does LANTECH ensure that managing my property is at least as good as using a traditional REA?

Real estate agents are increasingly making the news for deceptive and illegal practices. There's no guarantee the money you spend to have your property properly managed will result in a properly managed property.

LANTECH streamlines the property management process through user-friendly interfaces, automation, and comprehensive tools. Our platform is designed to make tasks such as tenant communication, rent collection, inspections, and maintenance requests easy and efficient, ensuring a seamless experience for property owners and tenants.

Here's a quick overview of how it'll all work -

LANTECH Looks After:

Application Process and Lease Agreement: All aspects of the application process, including the submission of forms, lease agreement preparation, and bond form completion, are efficiently handled through the LANTECH platform.

  1. Rent Payments: Payments can be automatically handled using direct debit, or tenants can make voluntary payments via BPAY/ApplePay/GooglePay etc, providing flexibility and convenience.
  2. Notice Preparation: LANTECH takes care of preparing notices initiated by your landlord, such as routine inspection notifications.
  3. Dispute Resolution: In case disagreements arise, LANTECH steps in to provide clarification on rules and responsibilities, ensuring fairness for both tenants and property owners.
Property Owner Looks After:
  1. Signing the Bond Form: Property owners take the lead in signing the bond form, a critical step in the tenancy process.
  2. Maintenance and Repairs: General maintenance requests and urgent repairs are addressed directly by the property owner, ensuring a prompt response to tenant needs.
  3. Negotiation of Tenancy Changes: If there are changes to tenancy arrangements, such as modifications to rent payment frequency or due dates, negotiations are conducted directly with the property owner. Any agreements reached are subsequently signed off on the LANTECH platform.
  4. Vacating Notices and Tenant Changes: Property owners handle matters related to vacating notices or changes in tenants, serving as the primary point of contact for these aspects.
What kind of resources does LANTECH provide to help me navigate the challenges of self-management?

LANTECH offers extensive resources, including guides, tutorials, and customer support. We also provide educational materials to empower property owners with the knowledge and skills needed for successful self-management.

How does LANTECH help property owners informed and adhering to legal and regulatory compliance?

LANTECH stays updated on legal requirements and sends regular updates to property owners. Our platform also incorporates compliance checks and reminders to help users stay informed and meet all regulatory obligations.

What happens if my current tenant moves out and I need to advertise and get new tenants in?

LANTECH offers a comprehensive tenant screening process, including credit checks, rental history verification, and background checks. Our platform provides the necessary tools for property owners to make informed decisions and select reliable tenants.

What tools does LANTECH offer that make it easy for me to handle rent collection + lease agreements?

LANTECH offers automated rent collection, customizable lease agreement templates, and robust financial reporting tools.

These features simplify administrative tasks, saving time and reducing the complexity of managing investment properties.